Crash Landing... Still Running
Stage two
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Just Read
The Discomfort Zone, Jonathan Franzen
For the Relief of Unbearable Urges, Nathan Englander
Bad Dirt, Annie Proulx
Brown, Richard Rodriguez

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Random Tidbit
I have found my way dreadfully, regrettably, and unfortunately back into academic hell. (11/05/07)
Recent Pieces

September 19, 2005

I Can't See

It's my fault this time, but that doesn't mean I can't get angry. In fact I'm pissed off, and probably all the more so, because it was all me. I came home after classes and 4 more hours of work and I was exhausted. I sat down on my bed, set my glasses down on the bed beside me, and picked up a book I had to read for class. A page and a half later my eyes were drooping. Oh, I got 7 hours of sleep, and I could really use a nap after such a long day... just a short nap. I put the book beside my bed and cuddled into my sheets, set the alarm clock for 30 minutes later.

20 minutes later I wake up in this hot sweat as if I knew something was wrong. Where are my glasses? It's a habit of mine to put them on once I wake up. Consciously I didn't know, but subconsciously I knew exactly. I reached for something against my thigh and there were my glasses. Bent completely out of shape. I gasped and jerked myself up, oh shit!!!

The lenses were fine, but the frame was broken. Broken, broken, broken. So bent out of shape; I touched one of the twisted ear-rests and it snapped off and broke immediately. It was over. !%# DAMN!!!! Damn, damn, damn!!!! All I wanted was a quick afternoon nap to ward off the burnout. It was supposed to be rejuvenating, not terrorizing!

Afraid I would succumb to a world of fuzziness without my glasses, I ran to my scotch tape and tried to tape them back together. I'd walk around with the tape if that was my only choice to see. I tried, tape, tape, tape, but it was a joke who was I trying to kid? Not only did it look ridiculous it didn't hold up for a second. Frantically, I put the glasses down and yanked at my hair. I violently opened every drawer in my room, searched every bag I had. Did I even bring a spare pair of glasses with me?!?

I finally found my old pair. I put them on and the blurriness cleared up a bit, but not completely. I couldn't bare to look myself in the mirror. They were my old, round, Harry-Potter-looking glasses. They were cute on me in 7th grade, but I didn't want to be seen with them today. Ugh, well at least I could see, so how I looked was the least of my worries.

Someone tell me why crap seems to shit on me from the sky when I'm already trying to deal with other messes?! School and two jobs are enough to keep me miserable. A friend passes away this weekend threw me a curveball I didn't know how to cope with, and now my eyes, my eyes?!?

I guess I'm going to have to find time in my impossible schedule to hunt out a lenscrafters in this tiny town. Blow more homework time, blow more work time, maybe miss the only annual career fair we ever have. Man what an ordeal. I just replaced my lenses this summer and blew $300 on them much to my dismay. Do I have another $400 to blow on new frames and new lenses!?! Two months worth of my salary?!? GOD!!!!!!


Blogger Amir said...

Why do I get more spam comments than real ones?!

September 19, 2005 11:21 PM

Blogger Chandra said...

Spam is infuriating. I think I'll write a post on it.

Sorry to hear about your glasses, too! That SNAP noise is horrifying, isn't it.

A thought: can you save the lenses and just get new frames? Oh, and I discovered that if you crazy glue the pieces back together, smear more crazy glue and THEN wrap them with tape, they stay pretty solid. They look ridiculous, but...

Sorry to hear about your friend passing away.

September 21, 2005 1:08 PM

Blogger sarah marie said...

Oh Amir...that's rough; I'm so sorry! I feel your pain a little bit, because my contact prescription is out-of-date but I can't possibly afford new ones. And in my dream world I'd have a pair of back-up glasses to wear in the evenings when my eyes are tired - but I can't afford that either.

I hope you get yours fixed very soon!

September 22, 2005 8:06 AM

Blogger Genesis said...

amir- u might want to get a comment book from or go to the settings, and request a verification code for people to send comments.

September 24, 2005 7:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor, poor thing. *Going to read newest post to see how the situation was remedied.* LOL

September 26, 2005 10:23 AM


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