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The Discomfort Zone, Jonathan Franzen
For the Relief of Unbearable Urges, Nathan Englander
Bad Dirt, Annie Proulx
Brown, Richard Rodriguez

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I have found my way dreadfully, regrettably, and unfortunately back into academic hell. (11/05/07)
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May 17, 2006

Heating Up

Well, I have my last final this Thursday night, but I've been almost completely unable to study. All that's been on my mind is this housing mess that I described in my last post. It's consuming me, keeping me up at night, and it's almost all I can think about during the day.

It looks like they want me out. They offered me a room in an adjacent building, and they've apologized, but they still want me out. Apparently it's too much of a hassle in their eyes to apologize to those to whom they've rented my room for graduation weekend and ask them to move instead. Apparently it makes more sense to move me, after living here for a full year, and with a year's worth of belongings, a week before my graduation.

I believe this might be the last straw that finally breaks my back. It's possible that this blog and my older one have good evidence of the troubles I've gone through in the last few years here. I believe this latest issue is just another manifestation of the same problem regarding all the administrative issues that stood between me and my graduation. I believe I'm not in the wrong. I believe I should be treated like other seniors who get to stay in their room, and who otherwise glided their way rather smoothly to graduation.

I believe I might have a case. It looks like this last battle may get legal. I probably shouldn't say much more... but, wish me luck. Any advice? I could use all the help I can get.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no advice for you, but I want you to know I'm thinking of you and you have my sympathy. *hugs* Somehow you'll get through this. I'll provide moral support for whatever you do.

May 17, 2006 2:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Un-frickin'-believable!!! Do what you have to, Amir. I agree, it's much easier to locate these people elsewhere than to have you move. Besides, they haven't even arrived, so why would changing their room assignments pose a difficulty? These people have caused you so much grief, it's ridiculous. I wish you much success in winning this battle.

May 18, 2006 10:06 PM


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